I hear your cries for sleep, for that hot bath you crave without interruptions from the other side of that locked door wondering, "what are you doing? when you will be done?" I have felt that longing for the elusive, sweet, still bliss you experience so fleetingly as you check in on your sleeping angels before bed. Or the pleasure of hearing a Sunday sermon from start to finish, just once a year perhaps? :) Can I hear an Amen? Or maybe you would be happy to just hear the weather forecast as you drive your little monkeys to their school and daycare destinations?
I hear YOU! And I know every momma does it their own way.
If I wrote my younger "momma self" a letter I would call it My Happy Healthy Momma Manifesto which has a few critical ingredients along with some ideas to sprinkle in as desired:
Step 1. A generous serving of devoted time for YOUR self care - 20 minutes of personal time EACH DAY, to do something that nurtures you, and brings you joy.
Step 2. Create a 'Family Policy and Procedure Manual' where rules for better living are personally designed & and kept close at hand for reference when you need reinforcement as you decline that delegation, that sounds like an invitation, but stretches you too thin. There will be time to volunteer and give to the greater good of your community or an organization that speaks to your heart after your babies have fledged the nest... which they will, in just a blink of the eye! Therefore - prioritize.
Step 3. Develop a daily routine for your household and stick to it as best you can- everyone feels better when they know what to expect.
Step 4. Commit to a regular walk or exercise routine, you will feel better and your kids will benefit from your self care. Consider developing a childcare collaborative with friends and/or trusted neighborhood mothers who would be willing to exchange short intervals of childcare to support the mental health and fitness of like minded mothers or consider joining a YMCA where childcare is offered on site.
Step 5. Put your blinders on and head to bed 8-9 hours before you need to be up the next morning. Moms are notorious for shifting into overdrive after the kids are tucked in for the night. Sleep is foundational to good physical and mental health. Scientists have found a minimum dose of 7-8 hours per night provides improved brain function, better mood regulation, and higher productivity the next day while offering the long term benefits of decreasing your risk of dementia and cancer.
Step 6. When in season, and locally available: Sprinkle in a monthly massage or a coffee date with a new book or a close friend.
Step 7. Consider hiring help to clean the basics of your home- especially the floors & bathrooms. If your spouse works 40 hours a week and you work 40 hours a week, neither of you have the time or energy. I would recommend you find some help - AKA "your own wife". If you can budget $50 2x/month you will be amazed how good it feels to walk into a freshly mopped kitchen with a floor that shines. It doesn't always work out, and maybe it's only reasonable to consider before big events. I had to say goodbye to our cleaning lady when the shiny, fresh mopped floor looked just like it had earlier that morning, prior to Jill's hard work. My coping mechanism was born shortly thereafter, I just told myself all the hard work, time and effort of a clean home could be picked up and scattered across the surrounding neighborhood if a tornado ever hit... And luckily, it hasn't happened and I don't really remember how bad it was. I only know what it looks like currently. Have I mentioned the carpet needs to be replaced? :)
Motherhood is a whirlwind.
It requires strength, endurance and flexibility. If you need help cultivating better balance, less stress, higher productivity, more energy and/or better self cares to support your contributions and care of your most precious blessings: I am your PT!
Call Transcend Rehab & Wellness to explore our wellness approach & treatments available for sleepless, devoted, and hard working mommas.
Elevate your game with Transcend Rehab & Wellness!
Your PT, Tami